Apprenticeships in Harrogate

Apprenticeships in Harrogate

VQ Solutions VQ Solutions
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As a Harrogate based apprenticeship provider, we have been part of the drive to boost apprenticeships in the town. It is working! There has been a significant growth of employers taking on apprentices and what is pleasing is the value that employers place on training and development within their businesses.

Apprenticeships in Harrogate

There is a wide range of businesses operating in Harrogate but the growth of small businesses has sen the need for many to look at the talent they have and turn to apprentices as a way of bringing in new staff in their plans for growth and development. We have seen a large rise in apprentices working in IT and Digital Marketing and Business Administration roles. New industries such as Digital Marketing have really expanded in the last few years and they are also attractive career paths for school and college leavers.

Refreshingly, the local schools are also supporting apprenticeships in Harrogate by citing them as a great option for students considering their post-education options.

We work closely with schools and businesses to identify the right candidates. The recruitment process is fundamental to the success of an apprenticeship programme. It is vital that the right candidate is matched with the right business. This can only be achieved if the effort is put into finding, interviewing and matching candidates and businesses.

Upskilling Existing Staff

We have also seen the growth in the number of businesses that are using apprenticeship programmes to upskill existing members of staff. Apprentices can be any age and more recently apprenticeships also became available for university graduates. With so many qualifications being available through apprenticeships it is a great way for staff to receive training but more importantly benefit from having accredited qualifications and certifications.

How do we recruit an apprentice in Harrogate?

Well, the first thing is to consider the job that you want an apprentice to do. We always recommend creating a very brief job description. We find this useful as it helps us draft the vacancy information. Once you have done this please speak to us. We can then advise you on the types of an apprenticeship programme that are relevant to your organisation and the job role that you are looking to fill.

You can recruit an apprentice at any time. We do recommend that employers try and do this in September and October as this is when most college and school leavers are looking at vacancies. If you are thinking about hiring an apprentice then please contact us.

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