Market Research Executive Apprenticeship - Elevating Skills and Knowledge

Market Research Executive Apprenticeship - Elevating Skills and Knowledge

VQ Solutions VQ Solutions
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The role of a Market Research Executive is integral to the strategic decision-making in any business. Understanding markets, consumer behaviour, and industry trends is essential. VQ Solutions offers a comprehensive Level 4 Market Research Executive Apprenticeship to equip aspiring market research professionals with the necessary skills. This 15-month programme is designed to build foundational knowledge, hone practical skills, and cultivate professional behaviours.

Knowledge Development

Throughout the apprenticeship, learners deeply understand research's role in business processes. They explore how research addresses various business and policy questions, covering everything from product development to advertising strategies. The curriculum includes a detailed examination of both quantitative and qualitative research principles, including sampling, data collection, and analysis based on statistical and social science theories.

Apprentices also learn about research methodologies, such as face-to-face, telephone, online, and postal surveys. The programme emphasises the importance of understanding primary and secondary research approaches, project management principles, and regulatory and legislative frameworks, such as GDPR and ethics codes.

Skill Enhancement

The apprenticeship focuses on practical skill development to ensure apprentices can effectively manage and execute research projects. Skills taught include liaising with clients and managing stakeholders, data collection and analysis, and presenting findings through reports and presentations. Apprentices learn to use digital tools and software, such as SPSS, to gather and evaluate audience insights, enhancing their ability to make evidence-based recommendations.

Behavioural Attributes

Professional behaviours are a key focus of the programme. Apprentices are encouraged to work without bias, seek continuous learning opportunities, and collaborate effectively with teams. Ethical considerations, flexibility, responsibility, and organisational skills are all cultivated, preparing apprentices for the challenges of professional environments.

Programme Delivery by VQ Solutions

VQ Solutions delivers this apprenticeship through theoretical learning and practical experience. Apprentices can access an award-winning Learning Management System (LMS) with engaging content. This is complemented by over 30 online, live tutor-led lessons, providing real-time, interactive learning opportunities. Throughout the programme, apprentices are supported by a course mentor, ensuring a supportive and enriching educational journey.

The Role of the LMS and Tutor Support

The LMS serves as a central pillar of the learning experience, offering apprentices a wealth of resources. This system allows for a flexible learning pace tailored to each apprentice's schedule and learning style. The tutor support, provided through live lessons, ensures that apprentices have direct access to expert guidance, enabling them to clarify concepts and apply learning effectively in real-world scenarios.


By the end of the 15-month programme, apprentices at VQ Solutions are well-versed in the theoretical aspects of market research and proficient in applying these concepts practically. They emerge as well-rounded professionals ready to tackle the complexities of the market research industry. The Level 4 Market Research Executive Apprenticeship is more than just training; it's a gateway to becoming a competent and ethical market research professional equipped to influence strategic decisions and drive business success.

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